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  • How are campers divided up?
    Campers are split up based on the criteria that takes into account age group, skill level, and sometimes if possible, we will have boys and girls split up if our numbers allow. Some campers will need to be placed with younger kids and others might need to be placed with older kids. We will use our discretion to assess their skills and place them with other kids on their level.
  • How may I contact my camper(s) during camp hours?
    You may message or call either Luis Benevante at (786) 423-0709 or Elias Attias at (786) 459-9839.
  • Will my camper need spending money during camp hours?
    We will be providing water. You may give your camper(s) up to $5 to purchase other drinks.
  • What should my camper(s) bring to camp?
    Your camper should bring snacks and lunch unless otherwise purchased in advanced.
  • Are there field trips?
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